

Big Mofo無痕洗車手套十分巨型!由特別鬆軟的超細纖維毛絨造成,能夠迅速無痕地去除污垢,最適合用於大型車輛上! The Big MoFo Wash Mitt is a gigantic slab of plush microfiber chenille that pulls of abrasive dirt, grit, and grime without scratching or swirling paint to quickly clean extra-large vehicles.

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  • 清潔骯髒的重型貨車
  • 擦拭大型RV 車身
  • 大大降低造成漩渦痕跡的風險
  • 溫柔地優化越野車
  • 去除頑固污垢、油脂和碎屑



Big Mofo 專為貨車、RV、巴士和拖車等重型車而設。這款30.5平方厘米的大手套特別蓬鬆,厚度達10cm,具超強吸水力!無論是清水、洗車液還是肥皂泡沫,Big Mofo也能大量吸收,儲起多達半桶水份量!從今天起,用Big Mofo 洗車,輕鬆去除污垢!



Big Mofo 表面的布條能夠勾起並埋藏車身污垢,讓您無痕擦拭脆弱表面。透過觀察手套顏色,便可以得知污穢程度。若鮮豔的紫色開始黯淡,把手套浸入水桶刷洗便可。從今天起,利用超強吸水能力,清洗並滋潤車身,安全擦拭脆弱表面!


1. 用雙水桶方法:先在一個水桶注入19公升水和30-90毫升Chemical Guys洗車液,然後在另一個水桶只注入清水
2. 用已稀釋的洗車液清洗車身,然後用雪尼爾洗車手套直線擦拭
3. 清潔完1-2塊面板後,將骯髒的洗車手套浸入清水水桶,去除污垢。如想達到更佳效果,請使用Chemical Guys污物隔離板
4. 將乾淨的洗車手套重新浸入洗車液水桶,繼續清潔車身
5. 用清水沖洗車身,然後用超細纖維毛巾抹乾車身

* New towel / New Brush might lint and shedding 


Use This Mitt To: 

  • Tackle the filthiest and largest trucks
  • Clean off the entire exterior of large RVs
  • Drastically reduce the chances of swirling
  • Gently maintain filthy off-road vehicles
  • Pull off intense dirt, grime, and grease

Extra Plush, Absorbent, and Soft

Big bad lifted trucks, RVs, buses, and trailers can only be handled by big bad mofos. This big, plush mitt measures 12’’ square, and over 4’’ thick. Don’t be surprised if you pull out half the wash water after dunking in the bucket: the Big MoFo Mitt holds a LOT of water, soap, and suds! The plush microfiber noodles of the Big MoFo absorb tons of clean wash suds, and put it down on filthy paint.

.75 lbs of Plush Scratch-Free Microfiber

The giant microfiber noodles lift and trap dirt away from sensitive surfaces to protect them from scratches, and the luscious purple color highlights any dirt or debris to cue when to dunk the mitt in the rinse bucket. Use the immense absorbent carrying capacity of the Big MoFo Mitt to lift and lubricate dirt with gallons of soapy suds from the most sensitive show car finishes!

<How to Use>
1.Use two buckets: fill one bucket with 5 gallons of water and 1 - 3 oz of Chemical Guys car wash soap and the other with plain water.
2.Rinse your car, then wash in straight lines with the soapy mitt.
3.After cleaning a panel or two, dip the dirty mitt in the bucket of plain water to loosen the embedded dirt, then wring it out on the ground.
4.Return to the soap bucket and continue to wash the whole car.
5.Rinse away all soap and dirt from the car, then dry with premium microfiber towels.

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