<How to Use>
1.Wash vehicle well to remove loose dirt and debris.
2.Mist a 2’ x 2’ area generously with Clay Luber.
3.Break off ⅓ of the clay bar, form it into a patty, then gently glide it back and forth across the surface until the clay glides freely.
4.Buff each completed section dry with a microfiber towel and inspect the clay. If soiled, fold the clay and use a clean portion.
5.If you drop the clay or it becomes completely soiled, discard the clay bar and continue with a fresh piece of the clay bar.
1. 清洗車身,去除污垢和碎屑
2. 在61cm² 的面積上,大量噴灑黏土潤滑劑
3. 折斷黏土塊並抽出三份一,蹉成一團。然後輕輕地在車身上前後推動,直至表面平滑
4. 用超細纖維毛巾擦亮表面,並檢查黏土塊。若黏土骯髒了,請對摺,然後用乾淨的另一面繼續
5. 如果黏土掉落或太骯髒,請棄置該黏土塊並用新的替換
需時:15-35 分鐘