<How to Use>
1.Rinse surface area off with plenty of water to loose dirt and grease.
2.Dilute 10 parts water to 1 part product for exterior use.
3.Dilute 20 parts water to 1 part product for interior use.
4.Spray on tough stubborn spots and allow time to clean.
5.Rinse off with a sharp stream of water.
If necessary, rub with a sponge or brush.
1. 用大量水沖洗表面,去除污垢和油脂
2. 如清潔車輛外部,按10份水比1份清潔劑比例稀釋
3. 如清潔車輛內部,按20份水比1份清潔劑比例稀釋
4. 在頑固的污垢上噴灑清潔劑,並放置一段時間,讓清潔劑融入表面
5. 用高水壓沖洗表面。如需要,可用海綿或刷子擦洗表面