EightyAID 野梨香味80%酒精搓手液 EightyAID Wild Pear Scent Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Antiseptic 80% Topical Solution [HYG10516]

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EightyAid 梨味酒精搓手液快乾、不黏糊,是您需要的潔手產品!毋需用到水或毛巾,就能迅速消毒,留下香甜梨味。 EightyAID Wild Pear Scented Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Antiseptic is a fast-drying, non-tacky hand sanitizer spray that helps reduce germs on your hands for a lightning fast clean without water or towels while leaving behind a delicious pear scent that delights!

Maklumat produk


  • 清潔雙手並帶來香甜梨味
  • 隨時隨地清潔雙手
  • 不用水也能洗手
  • 幫助消毒
  • 迅速清潔雙手
  • 使用快乾配方





混合了80%酒精,這款搓手液能夠讓您迅速清潔雙手。午飯前、開會前或洗手後,只需簡單一噴,就能確保雙手無菌!市面上的搓手液普遍含有60-70%酒精,EightyAid 酒精含量卻高達80%,為您帶來加倍清潔力!這款搓手液能夠快速消滅微生物,讓您保持雙手順滑、乾淨!



今時今日,保持雙手清潔十分重要。身邊沒有水源或毛巾時,只需簡單一噴,就能用搓手液清潔雙手!使用時,對準手心噴灑,然後搓手20秒就能有效消毒,保持雙手乾淨。傳統噴嘴輸出量低,每次噴灑只能覆蓋小範圍。相反地,EightyAid 採用了獨特噴嘴和低黏度配方,每一噴也能均勻地清潔您雙手,覆蓋大範圍,讓您輕鬆潔手



為了Chemical Guys的全球大家庭,我們為您提供必備衛生用品!

為了帶給您基本、必要的用品,我們在Chemical Guys 每天努力調整生產線!現在,我們為您推出萬眾期待的EightyAid 搓手液,讓您隨時隨地保持乾淨。這款搓手液含有80%酒精,為您更快、更有效地清潔雙手。為了回饋社會,我們把不同必要用品捐贈給全球各地的警隊、消防人員、保安人員和商業人士。



  1. 對準雙手噴灑EightyAid
  2. 搓手,確保雙手每個角落也被EightyAid覆蓋
  3. 繼續搓手直接雙手變得乾爽
  4. 請正確地使用搓手液:很多人以為消毒雙手只需要沾上一滴搓手液。其實,正確地使用搓手液需時長達20秒。根據CDC 的建議,搓手液應該均勻地覆蓋雙手,然後持續搓手直接乾爽。



Use This To:

  • Cleanse with exotic pear scent
  • Clean & sanitize your hands anywhere, anytime
  • Wash without running water
  • Help eliminate germs
  • Sanitize your hands in mere seconds
  • Fast acting, fast drying formula


Smells Like Summer

Nothing is more refreshing than a ripe, juicy pear and now, you can enjoy that sweet scent every time you sanitize your hands with EightyAID Wild Pear Scented Hand Sanitizer! Just a couple sprays not only cleanses your hands, but leaves behind a fresh fruity scent that makes this hand sanitizer truly a pleasure to use. Make sanitizing your hands fun with EightyAID Wild Pear Scent!


Give It A Rub, You'll Like It

Instantly cleanse with the power of 80% alcohol. Need a quick cleanse before lunch, a refresh between meetings, or extra security after using your hand soap? eightyAID Hand Sanitizer works on contact. While other hand sanitizers are only 60% or 70% alcohol, EightyAid is 80% alcohol for maximum efficacy and germ-fighting power! This hand sanitizer quickly reduces the number of microbes on hands and leaves your hands feeling smooth and clean.


No Water, No Problem

Cleanliness is more important than ever, however, you may not always have access to running water or towels. Now, you can clean and sanitize your hands no matter where you are without ever using a drop of water. Simply spray, rub it all over your hands covering all areas for at least 20 seconds, and you’re done! Traditional spout tops only dispense a small amount of product in a concentrated area at a time, forcing you to do all the work. EightyAID uses a unique sprayer top paired with a special low viscosity formula that gives you Rapid Dispersion providing a perfect uniform layer of disinfecting hand sanitizer over hands in seconds when you need it most. We may not know where your hands have been but at least we know they are clean. Give it a rub, you’ll like it!




  1. Spray EightyAID all over your hands.
  2. Rub hands together to ensure all surfaces are covered.
  3. Continue rubbing until product is dry. This could take up to 20 seconds.

     Many people just dab a little hand sanitizer on their hands, rub for a second, and go about their day, but that’s actually not the correct way to use it. Instead, the CDC specifically recommends putting sanitizer on your hands, covering them in sanitizer, and rubbing them together until they’re dry, which will likely take about 20 seconds.


  • UPC: 842850106743
  • Product Features: Sanitizes 80% Alcohol
  • Applicable Locations: Hands
  • Weight: 1.0 lbs




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