HydroSpeed 鍍膜快速優化劑 HydroSpeed Ceramic Quick Detailer [ WAC233 ]




HydroSpeed 是萬能、易用的鍍膜優化劑。採用了獨特防水聚合物和SIO2納米粒子,能夠為您帶來出色的亮麗光澤、持久的保護力和強勁防水功能。只需短短幾秒,就能讓車身抵禦極端天氣! HydroSpeed is the extremely versatile and easy-to-apply ceramic quick detailer that uses special hydrophobic polymers and nanoparticles of SiO2 to deliver a brilliant show car shine, durable all-weather protection, and intense hydrophobic water beading in mere seconds!

Rincian Produk


  • 令車身變得極度防水
  • 在短短幾秒帶出完美效果
  • 省卻預備工序
  • 輕鬆清潔鍍膜
  • 讓洗車過程變得簡單
  • 優化任何車身表面
  • 保護車身,免受紫外線、極端天氣和污染物損毀
  • 改善鍍膜,帶來完美飾面效果
  • 為未飾面的車身加上持久保護和亮麗光澤


從現在起,只需使用HydroSpeed, 您就能自行為車身加上鍍膜保護層、防水功能和亮麗光澤!適用於車漆、輪盤、玻璃、車頭燈和尾燈等,HydroSpeed 能為您優化任何車身部件!只需在洗車前使用HydroSpeed, 直接噴在蠟層表面,就能改善鍍膜並帶來完美飾面效果。市面上的鍍膜產品經常採用溶劑和合成樹脂配方,無法帶來穩定效果,麻煩又難用!相反地,HydroSpeed 快捷易用,毋需任何預備工序,讓您在洗車前隨時隨地優化車身,只需幾秒就能帶來理想效果!


HydroSpeed 利用先進的現代鍍膜科技,配合了獨特SIO2配方,能夠為車身帶來非一般防水效果和自動潔面功能,讓車輛呈現最佳狀態。只要用了HydroSpeed, 污垢便難以黏附車身,讓您更快、更輕鬆清潔車漆。耐用的防水鍍膜科技能夠保護車身,免受紫外線、污染物和碎屑損毀,並預防老化、氧化和褪色等情況,確保車輛耐看又耐用!


混合了液體SIO2成份,HydroSpeed 帶有密封功能,能夠為車身帶來鏡面反射度和水晶般亮麗光彩。透過加深車漆深度和清晰度,HydroSpeed 能帶出車輛的完美外觀。無論您想改善車身、激亮、保養還是加上防水效果,HydroSpeed 也能極速完成任務!



  1. 為了達到最佳效果,請避免在陽光直射的環境下優化,並確保車身乾爽、涼快
  2. 搖勻HydroSpeed
  3. 直接噴上表面,每次專注於優化車身一小部分
  4. 用乾淨的超細纖維毛巾,輕輕抹乾表面
  5. 在每次洗車前使用HydroSpeed, 激亮並保護車身










Use This Quick Detailer To:

  • Extreme hyperactive water beading
  • Applies in seconds with superior results
  • No extensive surface prep required
  • Ceramic self cleaning properties
  • Makes washing your car easier
  • Use on virtually all exterior surfaces
  • Protects against UV rays, extreme weather, and contamination
  • Enhances existing ceramic coated vehicles
  • Adds durable protection and shine to uncoated paint

Use It All Over Your Car

Now, you can add durable ceramic protection, water beading, and shine to your paint, wheels, glass, headlights, taillights, and more! Use it between washes, on top of waxes, to maintain your favorite ceramic coating on treated or untreated vehicles for tremendous results. Most other ceramics often rely on solvent or resin-based formulas that are temperamental and difficult for most people to use. Unlike other ceramics that require intense surface prep, HydroSpeed can be applied between washes, at shows, and on virtually any exterior surface in mere seconds!

It Cleans Itself

Utilizing the latest in modern ceramic chemistry, the unique fusion of SiO2 gives HydroSpeed superior hydrophobicity and self-cleaning properties that keep your vehicle cleaner longer. By reducing dust and dirt adhesion, HydroSpeed makes maintaining your paint quick and effortless and makes washing your car easier. Durable ceramic hydrotechnology shields against UV rays, harsh elements, industrial fallout, and more, helping protect your paint from oxidation, fading, and premature wear that ruins the look of your ride!

Achieve Brilliant Shine In Seconds

By using the active SiO2 ingredient in liquid form, HydroSpeed seals the surface of your paint, creating a superior mirror reflection and an intense ceramic crystalline shine. By adding incredible depth and clarity to any paint color, HydroSpeed gives all colors a show car like shine that stuns. Whether you have a ceramic coated car that you are looking to enhance or are looking to add incredible water beading, shine, and protection to an uncoated car, HydroSpeed is the fastest and easiest way to do it!



  • For best results, do not apply in direct sunlight and make sure the surface is cool to the touch before applying.
  • Shake well.
  • Spray onto the surface, working one section at a time.
  • Use a clean microfiber towel to gently wipe the area clean.
  • Use between washes to ensure a brilliant finish with durable protection.

Time : 10 – 25 Minutes

Expertise : Beginner

Prep : None

What Else You’ll Need : Microfiber Towels

Applicable Materials: Ceramic Coat

Applicable Locations: Exterior Wheels

Product Form: Liquid

Application Type: Protect & Shine


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