- 每週清潔車身
- 為車身恢復高亮度光澤
- 用無盡泡沫清潔車身
- 輕鬆、無痕地去除污垢和碎屑
- 保護車身,免受刮痕和漩渦痕跡
市面上的劣質洗車液都帶強烈化學物,容易令車漆和蠟層脫落,留下不同痕跡。為了讓您安心洗車,Mr. Pink 酸鹼值平衡,專為車身提供溫和、安全的清潔效果,適用於透明飾面層、已拋光金屬、玻璃、乙烯基膠、橡膠和塑膠柵欄等。Mr. Pink 絕不在車身留下殘餘物,為您徹底清洗表面!
不適當地洗車有機會帶來刮痕和漩渦痕跡,讓車漆暗啞難看。Mr. Pink 混合了強勁聚合物和表面活性劑,能夠深入表面去除污垢,絕不會在車身留下任何痕跡!利用滋潤效果,讓您輕鬆擦走污垢,是每週洗車的最佳選擇!
1. 搖勻後將30亳升至90亳升洗車液稀釋至19公升清水內,或加至950亳升的泡沫槍液體缸內。想達到更佳清潔效果,建議使用Chemical Guys 的 TORQ 泡沫槍 / 雪尼爾洗車手套。
2. 用清水預洗車身,去除污垢。
3. 如用TORQ 泡沫槍:給車身噴上一至兩層厚泡沫,以防車漆被刮落。
4. 用雪尼爾洗車手套, 浸入水桶內, 清潔車身或抹走車身泡沫。
5. 用清水沖洗車身。
6. 用超細纖維毛巾抹乾車身。
需時:20-40 分鐘
所需工具:TORQ 泡沫槍, 花園水喉,超細纖維毛巾, 水桶x2,汙物隔離板,洗後保養劑
Product Feature
- Maintain your ride with a gentle, weekly wash
- Restore the high gloss shine to your daily driver
- Wash with a constant stream of unending foaming bubbles
- Gently glide dirt and debris off paintwork
- Protect your ride against swirls and scratches
Like No Other Soap Out There
Other detailing shampoos and low grade car wash soaps are often too strong, stripping wax and staining plastic and rubber parts. Mr. Pink is pH balanced and gentle on all exterior automobile parts like paint, clear coat, polished metals, glass, and even vinyl, rubber, and plastic trim. Mr. Pink rinses clean after every car wash, leaving behind no residue for a truly clean surface every time.
Unique Formula To Minimize Swirling And Scratching
Improper washing can cause scratches and swirls that make your paintwork appear dull and neglected. Mr. Pink is blended with super-slick polymers with hyper surfactants that lift, capture, and lubricate abrasive debris, allowing the surface to be gently wiped to minimize scratching and swirling. Choose Mr. Pink to help glide your wash mitt effortlessly over the surface for the perfect weekly wash!
How to Use
1.Shake well and add 1 to 3 oz to 5 gallon bucket or 32 oz solution tank of foam cannon or gun.
2.Pre rinse vehicle to remove loose dirt and debris.
3.Foam cannon or gun: spray vehicle with thick wash foam to protect the paint against swirls and scratches.
4.Wash surface with wash mitt and soapy solution.
5.Rinse using clean water for perfect shine.
6.Dry with a premium microfiber towel.
Time: 20 – 40 Minutes
Expertise: Beginner
Prep: None
What Else You’ll Need: Foam Cannon, Garden Hose, Microfiber Towels, 2 Buckets, Dirt Trap, After Wash