多用途輪轂深度清潔刷 RED ROCKET BRUSH [ACC607] [ACC608]




清潔輪胎時感到吃力?胎紋間的污垢擦也擦不走?從現在起,不用再煩惱了!這款紅色火箭刷靈活度十分高,能夠隨意屈曲,在清潔難以觸及的地方時絕不留下痕跡!刷子還分成大小兩款,令污垢再無處可藏! The Red Rocket Brush is the flexible and scratch-less brush that bends to deep clean all those hard to reach areas around your car. With two different sizes, there is no place safe for dirt to hide!

Maklumat produk

1. 先用清水去除污垢,然後用您喜愛的Chemical Guys輪胎清潔劑噴灑表面
2. 先用軟刷,輕易地擦走藏在輪胎表面的污垢
3. 使用火箭刷清潔藏在輪胎紋間的污垢
4. 當刷子表面存了太多污垢,用清水沖洗刷子便可

* New towel / New Brush might lint and shedding 

Small Size: +/-345mm(L) with 150mm (L) brush head
Large Size: +/-435mm(L) with 230mm(L) brush head

細碼: 全長345mm, 擦頭長約 150mm
大碼: 全長435mm, 擦頭長約 230mm

<How to Use>
1.Rinse away loose contamination and spray the face and barrel down with your favorite Chemical Guys wheel cleaner.
2.Use the soft brush to easily scrub filth from deep inside wheel barrels, around cracks, and through crevices.
3.Insert between spokes to clean all areas of your wheels.
4.Once contamination is suspended in the cleaner, simply rinse it away with water.


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